Free or Reduced Lunch Meal Applications Parents: Please fill this form out so our school can receive Title I funds for computers, school supplies, etc. All parents need to submit this form as soon as possible. Thank you for your time!Click "Okay" if you have completed the application.Click "Read Full Story" to get more information on the application process.
Attendance Policy Here is a reminder of the Department of Education and Makalapa Elementary's policies on attendance.
Military and Family Life Counseling Services Explore how Carly can support your military family and students. This is a wonderful resource for Makalapa.
Video Production Team Wins in the Olelo Elementary Short Video Category Congratulations to our 6th grade Video Production team for winning the Short Video category for elementary schools with their entry "No More..."!
HIDOE Parent Resource Check out this new HIDOE resource for tips and tools to navigate and support your child’s continuous learning